On Friday I took the "Live Earth" carbon footprint test -http://www.earthlab.com/carbonProfile/LiveEarth.htm?ver=10 .
I can't find my emailed result right now but I think Iremember it being 250.
The national average for the USA is 350 - so my family is doing a little better than the rest of the nation...but there is a lot more that can be done.
I also signed the "Pledge" http://liveearthpledge.org/answer_the_call.php.For me this is more than just a "nice to do" for the environment.
This is saving MOTHER EARTH, GAIA, The Goddess - and making sure there's something of the NATURE I knew growing up left for my kids and my kid's kids.
What I do currently:
Recycle all paper and cardboard, plastics, glass, metals - curbside
Recycle batteries at the recycling center - approx annually
Compost vegetable materials from the house and garden
Most of the time:
turn off lights /equipment when not in room/or in use
Use dishwasher/washing machine only when full
Keep temps higher in summer (hardly use personal air conditioners at home anyway)
Keep temps lower in winter
Grow/purchase produce that is "locally" produced for the most part.
Freecycle unused household items http://www.freecycle.org/
What I am committing to do going forward:
Re-use plastic store bags as frequently as possible - currently we use these for garbage recepticals as well and do not purchase separate "kitchen" trash bags.
Install more compact flourescent lights and replace some multi-bulb fixtures.
ALWAYS turn off lights/appliances when not in the room
ALWAYS turn off my monitor when leaving work
What do you do currently?
What can you pledge to do going forward?
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