Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer Solstice 2007 - Dreaming of Peace

Ours is a SMALL planet, but this planet is essential to us.
We cannot yet survive independent of it. We need its fresh air and water... we need the warmth of its sun filtered through its atmosphere...we need its gravitational pull on our bones. There is enough potential for Mama Earth to throw us off her back -all on her own - violent earthquakes - waves - monster volcanic erruptions.... We need to stop fighting each other and Her and live like the family we are. Sharing our resources; finding ways to stop laying waste to the fields and oceans; doing what's right for humanity.
We're all connected - in oh, so many ways........
http://www.unesco.org/cpp/uk/ - UNESCO's Transdisciplinary Project "Towards a Culture of Peace"
http://www.the-peace-project.org/index.html -The Peace Project
http://www.sadako.org/ - World Peace Project for Children
http://www.worldpeace.org/peacepoles.html - Peace Pole Project
http://www.worldpeace.org/wpps.html - World Peace Prayer Society
http://www.everestpeaceproject.org/ - The Everest Peace Project

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